Frequently Asked Questions
How much did it cost to attend the event?

Nothing.  The event was absolutely free.  It wa sponsered by the Department of Post Secondary Education Training and Labour and School Districts 6 and 8.

Who was eligible to attend the event?

Anyone. The event was open to all members of the public.

Could my son or daughter have attended the evening session with me?

Absolutely! The student events in the day were the same as the evening session for the public but some students found it beneficial to return to the event in the evening to have more time to talk to industry representatives. It is hoped that it encouraged a dailogue about careers form some families.

Was anyone accepting resumes?

Not officially, but it was an excellent opportunity to network. Hopefully it generated some job leads.

Why were universities represented in the evening session but not the student sessions?

Students have a lot of opportunites to interact with university recruiters through a variety of events and presentations set up through the Districts and individual high schools.  The point of the student "non-traditional" career fair was to make them aware of all their post secondary options so they make a proper training decision that is consistent with their career goals. 

The objective was not to exclude university as a post-secondary option but to increase awareness of the other options that can be equally effective provided they support a person's career goals.

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